Age of Empires Castle
Object Details
3D Model
Author: Bugc97
Block count: 12405
Views: 147390
Blocks you'll need:
Cobblestone | 4133 | |
Stone Bricks | 3417 | |
Cobblestone Wall | 1087 | |
Grass | 929 | |
Cobblestone Stairs | 535 | |
453 | ||
Dirt | 366 | |
Stone Brick Stairs | 361 | |
Stone Brick Slab | 153 | |
Spruce Wood Plank | 148 | |
Iron Bars | 135 | |
Cobblestone Slab | 52 | |
Spruce Fence | 52 | |
Spruce Wood | 51 | |
Torch | 42 | |
Spruce Wood Stairs | 37 | |
Dark Oak Fence | 34 | |
Brown Carpet | 27 | |
Wooden Trapdoor | 26 | |
Wall | 26 | |
Gray Carpet | 25 | |
Spruce Door | 24 | |
Spruce Foor | 24 | |
Light Gray Carpet | 23 | |
Chest | 23 | |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs | 19 | |
Red Wool | 17 | |
Oak Leaves | 17 | |
Bookshelf | 16 | |
Double Stone Brick Slab | 15 | |
Crafting Table | 13 | |
Double Spruce Wood Slab | 13 | |
Bed | 12 | |
White Wool | 10 | |
Wall Sign | 10 | |
Red | 9 | |
Oak Wood | 7 | |
Hay Bale | 7 | |
White Carpet | 6 | |
Furnace | 6 | |
Flower Pot | 5 | |
Magma block | 4 | |
Black Wool | 4 | |
Cobweb | 4 | |
Blue Carpet | 4 | |
Fire | 3 | |
Trapped Chest | 3 | |
Cauldron | 2 | |
Oak Wood Stairs | 2 | |
Spruce Fence Gate | 2 | |
Brewing Stand | 2 | |
Piston | 2 | |
Enchantment Table | 1 | |
Oak Wood Slab | 1 | |
Anvil | 1 | |
Jukebox | 1 | |
Lever | 1 | |
Ender Chest | 1 | |
Tripwire Hook | 1 | |
Vines | 1 | |
View Other Materials | 688 |
Skill level | 9 |
Object added | 16 Jan 2018 |
Width | 36 |
Height | 40 |
Depth | 36 |
Tags | age of empires, castle, medieval, medieval castle |
Block Count | 12405 |
Object materials | |
Cobblestone | 4030 |
Stone Bricks | 3417 |
Cobblestone Wall | 1087 |
Grass | 929 |
Dirt | 366 |
Spruce Wood Slab (Upper) | 207 |
Spruce Wood Plank | 148 |
Iron Bars | 135 |
Spruce Wood Slab (Bottom) | 124 |
Stone Brick Slab (Upper) | 114 |
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Upside-down) | 113 |
Cobblestone (Upper) | 103 |
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Upside-down) | 91 |
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Upside-down) | 79 |
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Upside-down) | 78 |
Stone Brick Stairs (West, Upside-down) | 73 |
Dark Oak Wood Slab (Bottom) | 68 |
Stone Brick Stairs (East, Upside-down) | 68 |
Dark Oak Wood Slab (Upper) | 54 |
Cobblestone Slab | 52 |
Spruce Fence | 52 |
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Upside-down) | 52 |
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) | 51 |
Spruce Wood | 49 |
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Normal) | 45 |
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Upside-down) | 43 |
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Normal) | 41 |
Stone Brick Slab | 39 |
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) | 37 |
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Normal) | 37 |
Dark Oak Fence | 34 |
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) | 31 |
Stone Brick Stairs (East) | 31 |
Brown Carpet | 27 |
Stone Brick Stairs (West) | 26 |
Gray Carpet | 25 |
Light Gray Carpet | 23 |
Red Wool | 17 |
Bookshelf | 16 |
Double Stone Brick Slab | 15 |
Torch (Facing North) | 14 |
Chest (East) | 13 |
Crafting Table | 13 |
Oak Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) | 13 |
Spruce Door (Upper, Hinge right, Unpowered) | 13 |
Double Spruce Wood Slab | 13 |
Torch (Facing South) | 12 |
Spruce Door (Upper, Hinge left, Unpowered) | 11 |
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Top Half) | 11 |
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Normal) | 11 |
Torch (Facing West) | 11 |
White Wool | 10 |
Red Carpet | 9 |
Wall Sign, west | 8 |
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing West, Closed) | 8 |
Wall-Mounted Banner (west-southwest) | 8 |
Wall-mounted Sign Block west-northwest | 8 |
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing North, Closed) | 7 |
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Normal) | 7 |
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) | 6 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) | 6 |
White Carpet | 6 |
Oak Wood (facing north/south) | 5 |
Torch (Facing East) | 5 |
Flower Pot | 5 |
Hay Bale (Axis Y) | 4 |
Oak Leaves (No Decay) | 4 |
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Top Half) | 4 |
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing East, Closed) | 4 |
Chest (West) | 4 |
Wall-Mounted Banner (southwest) | 4 |
Magma block | 4 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) | 4 |
Black Wool | 4 |
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Bottom half) | 4 |
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Normal) | 4 |
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Normal) | 4 |
Cobweb | 4 |
Blue Carpet | 4 |
Wall-Mounted Banner (west-northwest) | 4 |
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing South, Closed) | 3 |
Bed (East, Empty, Head of the bed) | 3 |
Bed (West, Empty, Foot of the bed) | 3 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) | 3 |
Chest (South) | 3 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) | 3 |
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Top Half) | 3 |
Fire (Age 15) | 3 |
Furnace (Facing West) | 3 |
Bed (East, Empty, Foot of the bed) | 3 |
Chest (North) | 3 |
Bed (West, Empty, Head of the bed) | 3 |
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Top Half) | 2 |
Cauldron (Fully Filled) | 2 |
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) | 2 |
Spruce Fence Gate (Facing West, Closed) | 2 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) | 2 |
Furnace (Facing South) | 2 |
Hay Bale (Axis Z) | 2 |
Trapped Chest (Facing East) | 2 |
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) | 2 |
Brewing Stand (Slot 1 Unactive, Slot 2 Unactive, Slot 3 Unac | 2 |
Spruce Wood (facing north/south) | 2 |
Wall-Mounted Banner (west) | 2 |
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) | 2 |
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Bottom half) | 2 |
Oak Wood | 2 |
Enchantment Table | 1 |
Hay Bale (Axis X) | 1 |
Trapped Chest (Facing South) | 1 |
Piston (Facing north, Not Extended) | 1 |
Oak Wood Slab (Bottom) | 1 |
Wall Sign, south | 1 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (South, Normal) | 1 |
Anvil (East/West) | 1 |
Jukebox | 1 |
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) | 1 |
Lever (On Block Top Points South When Off, Active) | 1 |
Ender Chest (Facing West) | 1 |
Wall Sign, north | 1 |
Tripwire Hook (Facing North) | 1 |
Furnace (Facing East) | 1 |
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing South, Opened) | 1 |
Piston (Facing south, Not Extended) | 1 |
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing East, Opened) | 1 |
Vines (North) | 1 |
Generating model...

Drag slider < Left | Right > to see different levels:
What does "Stone Brick Stairs, South" mean?
....aren't designed to be used. To prevent accidents I ditched the wood that's shown between the two pistons, and put a level on both so that they activate and meet in the middle. This leaves you with something that looks a little like an axle for the drawbridge chains
"Spruce Foor" means Spruce Door. "Cobblestone Upper" means a Cobblestone slab at the top of the block space only. The reliability of the map to tell you which way to place a trapdoor is terrible. Place it and use common sense to see where it should go. The pistons on level 14 are for show - they a
ver vtamasob
what is spruce floor level 6?
also, are the chairs supposed to be facing inwards?
does cobblestone upper just talking about the slab next to it or do i put another slab there?
what does spruce floor lower on level 6, followed by spruce door (upper ) on level 7? they are supposed to be doorways, do i just place normal doors there?
I need better explanation on how to place pistons on row 11
Is there any chance I could make this in three hours
Is there any chance I could make this in three hours
Hello, I am just now about to start building on level 14 of this castle but I just realized there are no type of stairs or ladder leading up to level 14. I see that from here up there are spiral stairs on the east center and northeast towers according to the blueprints but I do not see any form of s
Super kasteel.
A nice castle but Ho boy is it complicated! i do 2 or 3 hours a day (about 2 levels or slices a day) + dodging the phantom's ETC lol . I'm at level 19 atm and got about up to a week to go "I am a slow but thorough builder @ 60 years old lol.
What is Spruce foor?
Cobblestone upper means that it's a cobblestone slab that's at the top half of the block
What block is "Cobblestone (upper)"?