Ancient Temple Ruin

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Denneran
Block count: 352
Views: 2355

If You first lay Your eyes on that model, You might never guess what it really is. A bunch of blocks randomly laying on the grass or some kind of odd build with lots of history? Mysterious indeed. These ancient temple ruins will keep some mysticism and caginess up in the air every time someone sees them. That's pretty exciting, isn't it!?
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Blocks you'll need:

Vines 117
Grass 84
Mossy Stone Bricks 83
Cracked Stone Bricks 51
Stone Bricks 14
Gold Block 3
Skill level 1
Object added 04 Jan 2017
Width 24
Height 5
Depth 26
Tags ancient, ruins, temple, outdoor decoration, outdoors
Block Count 352
Object materials
Grass 84
Mossy Stone Bricks 83
Cracked Stone Bricks 51
Vines (West) 39
Vines (East) 32
Vines (South) 31
Stone Bricks 14
Vines (North) 14
Gold Block 3
Vines (North&West) 1
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Level 7
26 Blocks
24 Blocks

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