Bad Piggie

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TSMC
Block count: 424
Views: 3133

This is a Bad Piggie aka Green Pig. This statue looks somehow relaxing, I mean he looks really happy. His ears are cute, eyes are funny-looking and lime green wool looks really good on the Piggie. He doesn't look like the "bad guy" at all. Keep in mind, that if You decide to build him, then look after Your eggs - Bad Piggies love to steal and cook them. After You have secured all Your eggs, then check out the blueprints and start building him. You can even build the whole Angry Birds family - that would be awesome.
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Blocks you'll need:

Lime Wool 250
Black Wool 103
Green Wool 31
Light Gray Wool 24
White Wool 16
Skill level 1
Object added 01 Oct 2015
Width 25
Height 23
Depth 1
Tags fictional, video game character, pixel art, bad piggies, video game character, pixel art, bad piggies
Block Count 424
Object materials
Lime Wool 250
Black Wool 103
Green Wool 31
Light Gray Wool 24
White Wool 16
"Nostalgia hits me." -  OldGamer
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Level 7
1 Blocks
25 Blocks

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2021-04-21 17:21:43 OldGamer

Nostalgia hits me.