Brewing Stand Statue

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TSMC
Block count: 335
Views: 5742

This statue looks exactly like Your Brewing stand, doesn't it? You know that it is used for brewing ingredients and recipes, kind of obvious right? This statue looks pretty cool and I especially like the smoke coming out on the top of it, it looks really artistic. The best thing is that even if it looks very hard to make, it's not. Could You imagine if You could brew some huge potions out of this? How awesome could that be? Anyways check out the blueprints and make Yourself a Brewing stand statue.
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Blocks you'll need:

Light Gray Wool 192
Gray Wool 49
Yellow Wool 48
Black Wool 18
Cyan Stained Clay 16
Red Stained Clay 6
Pink Stained Clay 6
Skill level 1
Object added 13 Sep 2015
Width 13
Height 22
Depth 14
Tags statue, minecraft item, item, brewing stand, statue, minecraft item, brewing stand
Block Count 335
Object materials
Light Gray Wool 192
Gray Wool 49
Yellow Wool 48
Black Wool 18
Cyan Stained Clay 16
Red Stained Clay 6
Pink Stained Clay 6
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Level 7
14 Blocks
13 Blocks

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