DC Comics Ragman

Object Details

3D Model



Author: PsychoticCraftMC
Block count: 401
Views: 411

Ragman is a seriously interesting superhero to look into. He is not as powerful as many other heros, he has no magical words, secret potions or anything, he is just a really smart and actually pretty vulnerable hero. Tho in here he is looking rather cool, the green colors, the hair, rags, details. You know what is amazing about him? He is pretty good at picking locks, so You better keep Your door shut with over the top complicated locks.
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Blocks you'll need:

Black Wool 148
Green Wool 98
Light Gray Wool 95
Lime Wool 54
Lime Stained Clay 6
Skill level 1
Object added 22 Dec 2017
Width 21
Height 25
Depth 2
Tags dc comics, comic book character, comics, pixel art, superhero, ragman
Block Count 401
Object materials
Black Wool 148
Green Wool 98
Light Gray Wool 95
Lime Wool 54
Lime Stained Clay 6
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Level 7
2 Blocks
21 Blocks

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