DC Comics Red Hood

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3D Model



Author: PsychoticCraftMC
Block count: 321
Views: 1311

Batman can drive anyone insane but I think the Red Hood got the most of it. The Red Hood You are seeing here really is a unique one, just look at all of these details, colors and You have to admit. He does look very scary and looking at that figure ... there is no way of telling who that person really is. So he has done a good work on that and if You would love to have him in Your collection then build him well and he is all Yours.
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Blocks you'll need:

Black Wool 145
Red Wool 64
Gray Wool 51
Brown Wool 44
White Wool 9
Light Gray Wool 8
Skill level 1
Object added 21 Dec 2017
Width 21
Height 23
Depth 2
Tags dc comics, comic book character, comics, superhero, pixel art, red hood
Block Count 321
Object materials
Black Wool 145
Red Wool 64
Gray Wool 51
Brown Wool 44
White Wool 9
Light Gray Wool 8
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Level 7
2 Blocks
21 Blocks

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