Dead Tree 3

Object Details

3D Model



Author: leveltion
Block count: 225
Views: 1160

Okay, so if You are feeling a little bit mysterious and dark then I feel like a dead tree should be perfect at the moment, right? Just imagine walking around the woods at the night and passing a dead tree, and then another one hearing a dog's barking at the distance and a bright moon slightly lightning Your way ... sounds like in a fairy tale, right? I love it so much. But anyway if You have some ideas what to do with this dead tree here then just build it and have fun with it :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Oak Wood 204
Oak Fence 21
Skill level 1
Object added 20 Sep 2016
Width 15
Height 20
Depth 14
Tags dead tree, spooky tree, horror, halloween
Block Count 225
Object materials
Oak Wood (only bark) 204
Oak Fence 21
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Level 7
14 Blocks
15 Blocks

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