Eiffel Tower Peace Symbol

Object Details

3D Model



Author: JBrosGaming
Block count: 291
Views: 1061

This here is a little bit more serious matter, You all know what happened not a long time ago, right? This here is an Eiffel Tower peace symbol. Because what happened there and what is even happening right now in different countries is just unbelievable ... Now why not to support people through this symbol and remind Yourself that the world isn't always safe place to be. This symbol is not hard to build and it is not gonna take long time but it will always be in Your minecraft. So the blueprints are below if You need help building this and lets keep on supporting people who need our support!
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Blocks you'll need:

Black Wool 198
Blue Wool 38
Red Wool 38
White Wool 17
Skill level 1
Object added 25 Nov 2015
Width 23
Height 23
Depth 1
Tags miscellaneous, pixel art, eiffel tower, peace symbol, pixel art, eiffel tower, peace symbol
Block Count 291
Object materials
Black Wool 198
Blue Wool 38
Red Wool 38
White Wool 17
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Level 7
1 Blocks
23 Blocks

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