Emmet Statue (The Lego Movie)

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TSMC
Block count: 1141
Views: 1332

Meet the main protagonist of the Lego movie, Emmet who looks somehow very realistic. Just look at that smirk on his face, his hair and the clothes, what is he wearing this time? I believe the regular clothes, but well if You want to have him in Your collection then You can chance him into something else, like in his poncho or pajamas... do what You want with him, just be nice, alright? So if You'd like to build him then check out the blueprints below and have fun!
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Blocks you'll need:

Orange Wool 239
Red Wool 210
Blue Wool 207
Brown Wool 203
Yellow Wool 190
Light Gray Wool 58
Black Wool 25
White Wool 9
Skill level 1
Object added 22 Jan 2016
Width 16
Height 32
Depth 10
Tags statue, movies, emmet statue , the lego movie, statue, emmet statue , the lego movie
Block Count 1141
Object materials
Orange Wool 239
Red Wool 210
Blue Wool 207
Brown Wool 203
Yellow Wool 190
Light Gray Wool 58
Black Wool 25
White Wool 9
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Level 7
10 Blocks
16 Blocks

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