Fantasy Huge Purple Tree 2

Object Details

3D Model



Author: alecvdh
Block count: 3919
Views: 2445

I hope You like purple because this tree here is totally purple. I have seen a white, pink and green trees before but never a purple one in real life. But isn't it awesome? I wouldn't mind looking at a purple tree every day, it would feel like living in a wonderland, I'd be a tiny Alice only without talking bunnies and tea tables. So if You want to feel mysterious and have a unique tree in Your Minecraft then here is Your change. Good luck :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Blue Stained Clay 2584
Acacia Wood 1057
Cyan Stained Clay 278
Skill level 3
Object added 20 Aug 2016
Width 51
Height 35
Depth 51
Tags fantasy, fantasy tree, huge tree, purple
Block Count 3919
Object materials
Blue Stained Clay 2584
Acacia Wood (No axis) 1057
Cyan Stained Clay 278
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Level 7
51 Blocks
51 Blocks

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