Fantasy Huge Purple Tree

Object Details

3D Model



Author: alecvdh
Block count: 2012
Views: 2925

Purple is the color of the imagination. Purple or violet assists those who seek the meaning of life and spiritual fulfillment - it expands our awareness, connecting us to a higher consciousness. Purple promote harmony of the mind and the emotions, contributing to mental balance and stability, peace of mind, a link between the spiritual and the physical worlds, between thought and activity. So if You need something from the list above in Your life, then planting huge purple trees to Your garden would be a good idea ;)
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Blocks you'll need:

Blue Stained Clay 1353
Acacia Wood 508
Cyan Stained Clay 151
Skill level 2
Object added 17 Aug 2016
Width 35
Height 29
Depth 37
Tags fantasy, fantasy tree, huge tree, purple
Block Count 2012
Object materials
Blue Stained Clay 1353
Acacia Wood (No axis) 507
Cyan Stained Clay 151
Acacia Wood 1
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Level 7
37 Blocks
35 Blocks

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