Fantasy Huge Tree 3

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3D Model



Author: alecvdh
Block count: 5453
Views: 11502

A huge tree for huge tree lovers, or just for those who are building a forest or something because massive trees are pretty important there, yeah. So about this Fantasy tree here, nothing much to say, It is a tree and a big one! But actually it is really detailed and realistic, don't You think so? I wonder if it can act as an huge umbrella because it sure does look really thick and well umbrella like tree. But anyway blueprints are below if You need some help but just have fun :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Oak Leaves 3591
Oak Wood 1862
Skill level 4
Object added 20 Aug 2016
Width 50
Height 45
Depth 61
Tags fantasy, fantasy tree, huge tree, tree
Block Count 5453
Object materials
Oak Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) 3591
Oak Wood (only bark) 1859
Oak Wood 3
"Took me a while but I finally finished this tree in Survival. It looks amazing! (I scatter lanterns about on the wood so mobs don't spawn in the tree.)" -  MonkeyChicka
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Level 7
61 Blocks
50 Blocks

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2021-08-15 09:03:45 MonkeyChicka

Took me a while but I finally finished this tree in Survival. It looks amazing! (I scatter lanterns about on the wood so mobs don't spawn in the tree.)