Flappy Bird

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TSMC
Block count: 147
Views: 3493

Despite the fact that this bird gets on my nerves every time I try to play the game because he just doesn't listen to my orders, the statue of him looks really cute. Flappy bird looks like a fly here - a cute fly with huge eyes and a big beak. I really like flappy's wing, it reminds me of an egg... how can he even fly? IGo on, check out the blueprints - every bit and piece of this character and then You'll be able to get the furthest in the game You've ever managed. Like they say - get to know Your worst enemy! Don't get Your hopes too high, though - You can never outrun him...
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Blocks you'll need:

Black Wool 66
White Wool 32
Yellow Wool 20
Orange Wool 14
Red Wool 12
Light Gray Wool 3
Skill level 1
Object added 03 Oct 2015
Width 17
Height 12
Depth 1
Tags bird, video game character, flappy bird, pixel art, video game character, flappy bird, pixel art
Block Count 147
Object materials
Black Wool 66
White Wool 32
Yellow Wool 20
Orange Wool 14
Red Wool 12
Light Gray Wool 3
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Level 7
1 Blocks
17 Blocks

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