Furniture Shop (Graywatch)

Object Details

3D Model



Author: BigBadBam
Block count: 1483
Views: 4806

Sometimes You just need some inspiration for designing interiors or a place where to get some stuff for that. A furniture shop allows You both of them! This Minecraft model is fully enjoyable from the inside out- it has a nicely designed interior with lovely paintings on the wall and the exterior makes You want to stare at it for hours. What else could You ask for a great building? Try it out now!
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Blocks you'll need:

Spruce Wood 264
Spruce Wood Stairs 231
Grass 164
Spruce Wood Plank 152
Bricks 118
Light Gray Stained Clay 94
Oak Wood Plank 92
Spruce wood 53
Chest 45
Cobblestone 35
Red 27
Torch 27
Spruce Fence 25
Stone Brick Slab 21
Stone Brick Stairs 21
Stone Bricks 18
Wooden Trapdoor 16
Glass Pane 14
Ladder 8
Dirt 8
Bed 6
Blue Orchid 4
Oxeye Daisy 4
Poppy 4
Bookshelf 4
Flower 4
Wooden Pressure Plate 2
Spruce Foor 1
Azure Bluet 1
Spruce Door 1
View Other Materials 47
Skill level 1
Object added 24 Jan 2016
Width 19
Height 15
Depth 14
Tags house, medieval, building, graywatch, furniture shop, building, furniture shop
Block Count 1483
Object materials
Spruce Wood 203
Grass 164
Spruce Wood Plank 152
Bricks 118
Light Gray Stained Clay 94
Oak Wood Plank 92
Spruce Wood (facing north/south) 61
Spruce wood (facing east/west) 53
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 39
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 39
Cobblestone 35
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 32
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 31
Red Carpet 27
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 26
Spruce Fence 25
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 24
Stone Brick Slab 21
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 21
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 19
Stone Bricks 18
Spruce Wood Slab (Upper) 17
Chest (West) 17
Glass Pane 14
Chest (East) 14
Chest (North) 14
Torch (Facing West) 12
Ladder (facing south) 8
Dirt 8
Stone Brick Stairs (West) 7
Torch (Facing East) 7
Torch (Facing North) 6
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 5
Stone Brick Stairs (East) 5
Blue Orchid 4
Oxeye Daisy 4
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 4
Poppy 4
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Top Half) 4
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Top Half) 4
Bookshelf 4
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Top Half) 3
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Bottom half) 2
Torch (Facing South) 2
Bed (South, Empty, Foot of the bed) 2
Flower (Double Tallgrass, Upper) 2
Wooden Pressure Plate (Unactive) 2
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Bottom half) 2
Bed (South, Empty, Head of the bed) 2
Spruce Wood Slab (Bottom) 2
Flower (Lilac, Lower) 1
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing West, Closed) 1
Azure Bluet 1
Bed (North, Empty, Head of the bed) 1
Bed (North, Empty, Foot of the bed) 1
Spruce Door (Upper, Hinge left, Unpowered) 1
Flower (Rose Bush, Lower) 1
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Top Half) 1
"I Love THAT basa" -  3morry_YT
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14 Blocks
19 Blocks

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2018-07-04 16:41:46 3morry_YT

I Love THAT basa