Futuristic Modern Home 7

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Barbarian
Block count: 408
Views: 1063

I can tell why this house here is called a sightseeing building. Imagine flying over the city with a helicopter and seeing a house like that! The roof is so interesting, like a snake or something plus there are also some different dark colors to look at. Okay, coming back to the ground, what is the first thing that catches Your eye? Is the blue windows, the color, design? Tbh they are all just amazing, so building this futuristic home is going to be very interesting.
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Blocks you'll need:

Dark Prismarine 158
Stone 88
Gray Wool 60
Cyan Stained Clay 51
Sea Lantern 22
Light Blue Stained Glass 22
Bedrock 7
Skill level 1
Object added 07 Sep 2016
Width 9
Height 9
Depth 11
Tags future, modern, modern house, sightseeing, unfurnished
Block Count 408
Object materials
Dark Prismarine 158
Stone 88
Gray Wool 60
Cyan Stained Clay 51
Sea Lantern 22
Light Blue Stained Glass 22
Bedrock 7
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11 Blocks
9 Blocks

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