High Voltage Transmission Tower 3

Object Details

3D Model



Author: sassy1356
Block count: 1082
Views: 878

So the high voltage transmission towers are the best ones right? I mean what can You do without power, right? We need internet but when this tower is for Medieval village then You've got the ages all messed up but wouldn't it be cool tho? It is Minecraft so everything is possible, just do what You want and make it as good as You can because why not. So blueprints for this tower are below but be careful, it is high voltage after all.
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Blocks you'll need:

Iron Bars 828
Nether Brick Fence 251
Cobblestone Wall 3
Skill level 1
Object added 03 May 2017
Width 75
Height 45
Depth 3
Tags transmission tower, high voltage, electricity, electricital grid
Block Count 1082
Object materials
Iron Bars 828
Nether Brick Fence 251
Cobblestone Wall 3
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Level 7
3 Blocks
75 Blocks

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