Jungle Balcony

Object Details

3D Model



Author: CityofAthos
Block count: 697
Views: 3952

Jungle houses are all so interesting! I mean when You want to build a house on top of the trees then You are going to have a whole kingdom. Because a living room is on one tree, balcony in the other, kitchen too, bedroom ... it is like a town! But anyway this here is a pretty roomy balcony for people who love fresh air and sitting outside. Don't You just love the design of it? It looks like a wooden box and it even has a roof - perfect! So if You need a balcony then blueprints are below :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Jungle Leaves 290
Vines 169
Jungle Wood 84
Oak Wood Plank 35
Oak Wood 31
Oak Leaves 30
Wooden Slab 18
Double Wooden Slab 18
Ladder 9
Oak Fence 8
Torch 5
Skill level 1
Object added 25 Aug 2016
Width 13
Height 20
Depth 13
Tags jungle, jungle house, treehouse, small tree house, balcony
Block Count 697
Object materials
Jungle Leaves 290
Jungle Wood 84
Vines (West) 56
Vines (East) 49
Vines (North) 45
Oak Wood Plank 35
Oak Wood 31
Vines (South) 19
Oak Leaves (No Decay) 18
Wooden Slab 18
Double Wooden Slab 18
Oak Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) 12
Ladder (facing east) 9
Oak Fence 8
Torch (Facing Up) 5
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Level 7
13 Blocks
13 Blocks

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