Jungle Home 2

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3D Model



Author: CityofAthos
Block count: 727
Views: 2954

I have thought about moving someplace cool and different but Jungle has never crossed my mind. It would be pretty cool living with the nature and animals, like George of the Jungle. But I feel like our Jungle home would be more fancy, because look at this building. First of all it is up up high, due to the animals I guess? And secondly it is unfurnished, so You can make it look as fancy as You like plus doesn't it seem so pretty and unique? So if You want to know how to build it then blueprints are below.
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Blocks you'll need:

Vines 196
Jungle Leaves 167
Oak Wood 103
Oak Wood Plank 84
Jungle Wood 59
Oak Fence 42
Double Wooden Slab 35
Wooden Slab 20
Ladder 11
Torch 10
Skill level 1
Object added 23 Aug 2016
Width 12
Height 23
Depth 12
Tags jungle, jungle house, treehouse, unfurnished
Block Count 727
Object materials
Jungle Leaves 167
Oak Wood 103
Oak Wood Plank 84
Vines (East) 69
Vines (North) 63
Jungle Wood 59
Oak Fence 42
Vines (South) 38
Double Wooden Slab 35
Vines (West) 26
Wooden Slab 20
Torch (Facing Up) 10
Ladder (facing west) 9
Ladder (facing east) 2
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Level 7
12 Blocks
12 Blocks

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