Khrushchyovka Soviet Apartment Building 1

Object Details

3D Model



Author: communist666
Block count: 40446
Views: 15117

I always thought apartments are really small and ... a little bit weird in Soviet Apartment buildings but I am not so sure anymore. I kind of like this house here. It is huge, so it must fit a lot of people in there. I wonder how many apartments it really has? Anyway what do You think of this house here, the colors, design and all of the details too. I can even see balconies and the roof is very well secured too, so more things to look forward to :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Stone 14680
White Stained Clay 9065
Sand 2850
Dirt 2408
Quartz Block 1209
Glass Pane 902
Lime Stained Clay 741
Stone Slab 616
Iron Bars 606
Glass 586
Grass 562
Jungle Wood 540
Oak Wood Stairs 480
Bookshelf 450
Stone Brick Stairs 444
Pink Stained Clay 382
Stone Brick Slab 297
End Rod 295
Nether Brick Stairs 260
Birch Door 256
Tripwire Hook 220
Bed 200
Stone Button 180
Quartz Stairs 180
Chest 175
Jukebox 145
Double Spruce Wood Slab 130
Lever 120
Dark Oak Door 120
Spruce Fence 112
Crafting Table 60
Mob Head 60
Hopper 60
Furnace 60
Spruce Door 40
Spruce Wood Plank 40
Spruce Foor 40
Cobblestone Wall 24
Stone Pressure Plate 12
Iron Door 12
View Other Materials 3098
Skill level 27
Object added 02 Jun 2017
Width 108
Height 32
Depth 28
Tags khrushchyovka, soviet building, apartment, apartment building, modern building, ussr
Block Count 40446
Object materials
Stone 14680
White Stained Clay 9065
Sand 2850
Dirt 2408
Quartz Block 1209
Glass Pane 902
Spruce Wood Slab (Bottom) 762
Lime Stained Clay 741
Stone Slab (Upper) 616
Iron Bars 606
Glass 586
Grass 562
Jungle Wood 540
Bookshelf 450
Pink Stained Clay 382
Stone Brick Slab 297
End Rod (Facing Down) 235
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 174
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 174
Jukebox 145
Stone Button (Facing East, Inactive) 140
Double Spruce Wood Slab 130
Chest (East) 120
Spruce Fence 112
Oak Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 100
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 100
Tripwire Hook 90
Tripwire Hook (Facing North) 90
Birch Door (Upper, Hinge Left, Unpowered) 80
Oak Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 80
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 80
Nether Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 75
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Upside-down) 72
Nether Brick Stairs (West, Normal) 70
Spruce Wood Slab (Upper) 65
Crafting Table 60
Lever (On Block Side Facing East, Active) 60
Quartz Stairs (West, Upside-down) 60
Quartz Stairs (East, Upside-down) 60
Mob Head (On a Wall Facing East) 60
Lever (On Block Side Facing West, Active) 60
Nether Brick Stairs (East, Normal) 60
Nether Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 55
Bed (North, Empty, Head of the bed) 50
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 50
Bed (South, Empty, Foot of the bed) 50
Bed (North, Empty, Foot of the bed) 50
Bed (South, Empty, Head of the bed) 50
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 50
Birch Door (Upper, Hinge Right, Unpowered) 48
Dark Oak Door (Upper, Hinge Left, Unpowered) 45
End Rod (Facing North) 45
Birch Door (Lower, Facing West, Closed) 43
Birch Door (Lower, Facing South, Closed) 43
Chest (South) 40
Spruce Door (Upper, Hinge left, Unpowered) 40
Spruce Wood Plank 40
Tripwire Hook (Facing West) 40
Birch Door (Lower, Facing North, Closed) 31
Quartz Stairs (West, Normal) 30
Hopper (Output Facing East, Activated) 30
Furnace (Facing West) 30
Hopper (Output Facing West, Activated) 30
Dark Oak Door (Lower, Facing West, Closed) 30
Quartz Stairs (East, Normal) 30
Dark Oak Door (Lower, Facing East, Closed) 30
Furnace (Facing East) 30
Cobblestone Wall 24
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Upside-down) 24
Stone Button (Facing North, Inactive) 20
Stone Button (Facing West, Inactive) 20
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing West, Closed) 20
Dark Oak Door (Upper, Hinge Right, Unpowered) 15
Chest (West) 15
End Rod (Facing South) 15
Stone Pressure Plate (Unactive) 12
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing South, Closed) 10
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 10
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing North, Closed) 10
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 10
Birch Door (Lower, Facing East, Closed) 8
Iron Door (Lower, Facing North, Closed) 6
Birch Door (Lower, Facing South, Opened) 3
Iron Door (Upper, Hinge Left, Unpowered) 3
Iron Door (Upper, Hinge Right, Unpowered) 3
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28 Blocks
108 Blocks

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