LittleLizardGaming Statue

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TSMC
Block count: 1046
Views: 734

Nice costume, bro! I'm sure he could easily go to jungle and no animal would recognize that he's actually a human. And all the lizards would be like 'why are You so tall, what happened?'. That would be hilarious, haha! Anyway, I strongly suggest You to make this guy a part of Your Youtubers collections. He will bring the smile on Your face ;)
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Blocks you'll need:

Lime Wool 562
Green Wool 314
Black Wool 68
White Stained Clay 64
Gray Wool 20
White Wool 16
Purple Wool 2
Skill level 1
Object added 27 Jan 2016
Width 16
Height 32
Depth 8
Tags statue, youtube, littlelizardgaming statue, statue, littlelizardgaming statue
Block Count 1046
Object materials
Lime Wool 562
Green Wool 314
Black Wool 68
White Stained Clay 64
Gray Wool 20
White Wool 16
Purple Wool 2
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Level 7
8 Blocks
16 Blocks

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