Medieval Fantasy Fountain Design 2

Object Details

3D Model



Author: lynchyinc
Block count: 294
Views: 1453

Ooo sweet fountain, why You so beautiful!? That's a pity it can't answer... Sad story. Anyway, here's one overly awesome fountain design for You to add to a fantasy medieval town. As You can see, it goes perfectly with the theme. And it's just not a simple fountain, it's speeeecial! Haha, hope I'm not the only one thinking that way...
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Blocks you'll need:

Cobblestone 124
Water 66
Double Stone Slab 60
Oak Fence 20
Still Water 20
Glowstone 4
Skill level 1
Object added 22 May 2016
Width 12
Height 5
Depth 12
Tags medieval, fantasy, fountain, small fountain, small medieval fountain
Block Count 294
Object materials
Cobblestone 124
Double Stone Slab 60
Water (Water level Max - 1, Falling) 24
Oak Fence 20
Still Water 20
Water (Water level Max) 14
Water (Water level Max, Falling) 12
Water (Water level Max - 2) 8
Water (Water level Max - 1) 4
Glowstone 4
Water (Water level Max - 3) 4
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Level 7
12 Blocks
12 Blocks

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