Medieval Island Village Church

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Gazamo
Block count: 3979
Views: 6733

When was the last time You went to the church? Specifically to a church like this one here, a fancy one with a huge tower and so many details. Did You already see the roof? It is so cool. As You walk inside the church, it is really big, opened and a little bit spooky actually, right? Makes me feel so small suddenly, but this is exactly why I love churches like that. So if You like this Island Village church too then blueprints are below :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Stone Bricks 619
Bricks 432
Stone Brick Stairs 415
Double Stone Slab 352
Spruce Wood 263
Brick Stairs 224
Cobblestone 203
Grass 201
Stone Brick Monster Egg 194
Stone Brick Slab 188
Stone 172
White Wool 143
Mossy Stone Bricks 91
Cracked Stone Bricks 84
Spruce Wood Stairs 61
Glass Pane 56
Oak Wood Stairs 47
Oak Fence 40
Oak Wood Slab 38
Oak Fence Gate 36
Stone Button 22
Torch 19
Glass 14
Double Oak Wood Slab 11
Cobblestone Wall 11
Oak Leaves 6
Spruce Wood Plank 6
Spruce wood 5
Double Stone Brick Slab 4
Poppy Flower Pot 4
Dandelion Flower Pot 4
Wall Sign 4
Poppy 3
Wall 2
Chest 2
Dandelion 1
Enchantment Table 1
Cauldron 1
View Other Materials 120
Skill level 3
Object added 10 Aug 2016
Width 17
Height 42
Depth 40
Tags medieval, church, medieval church, village, island
Block Count 3979
Object materials
Stone Bricks 619
Bricks 432
Double Stone Slab 352
Spruce Wood 253
Cobblestone 203
Stone Brick Monster Egg 194
Stone 172
Grass 150
White Wool 143
Stone Brick Slab 108
Stone Brick Stairs (East) 101
Stone Brick Stairs (West) 100
Brick Stairs (East, Normal) 94
Brick Stairs (West, Normal) 94
Mossy Stone Bricks 91
Cracked Stone Bricks 84
Stone Brick Slab (Upper) 80
Glass Pane 56
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 51
Grass 51
Stone Brick Stairs (West, Upside-down) 49
Stone Brick Stairs (East, Upside-down) 49
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 42
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 41
Oak Fence 40
Oak Wood Slab (Bottom) 38
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 18
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 18
Glass 14
Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 14
Oak Fence Gate (Facing East, Closed) 14
Oak Fence Gate (Facing West, Closed) 14
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Upside-down) 12
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Upside-down) 12
Double Oak Wood Slab 11
Cobblestone Wall 11
Spruce Wood (facing north/south) 10
Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 10
Brick Stairs (South, Upside-down) 9
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 8
Stone Button (Facing East, Inactive) 8
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 8
Stone Button (Facing West, Inactive) 8
Oak Leaves (No Decay) 6
Torch (Facing West) 6
Oak Fence Gate (Facing North, Closed) 6
Spruce Wood Plank 6
Torch (Facing East) 6
Spruce wood (facing east/west) 5
Double Stone Brick Slab 4
Stone Button (Facing North, Inactive) 4
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 4
Poppy Flower Pot 4
Dandelion Flower Pot 4
Torch (Facing North) 4
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 3
Torch (Facing Up) 3
Poppy 3
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 2
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 2
Wall Sign, west 2
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 2
Stone Button (Facing South, Inactive) 2
Wall Sign, north 2
Oak Fence Gate (Facing South, Closed) 2
Wall-mounted Sign Block west-northwest 2
Brick Stairs (East, Upside-down) 1
Dandelion 1
Chest (East) 1
Enchantment Table 1
Brick Stairs (West, Upside-down) 1
Cauldron (Fully Filled) 1
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 1
Chest (West) 1
Brick Stairs (North, Upside-down) 1
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40 Blocks
17 Blocks

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