Medieval Island Village Tavern

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Gazamo
Block count: 8797
Views: 20897

Suddenly I feel like going to the tavern and have a huge cup of something liquid because it is hot outside! Looking at this building here I feel like I have entered somewhere amazing, this Tavern here looks expensive, right? There are so many details to look at, the balcony and it is so colorful plus the interior is amazing too. The cake on the huge table is slightly bothering me, I need to eat it. Anyway if You love music, people and food then You should love this Tavern here :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Spruce Wood Plank 2555
Spruce Wood 932
Bricks 911
Brick Stairs 574
White Wool 483
Stone Brick Stairs 455
Stone Bricks 418
Spruce Wood Stairs 328
Oak Fence 249
Glass Pane 246
Cobblestone Stairs 226
Spruce wood 222
Wooden Trapdoor 201
Grass 155
Stone Brick Slab 114
Bookshelf 81
Brick Slab 68
Oak Wood Stairs 68
Oak Wood Slab 37
Oak Fence Gate 37
Oak Wood Plank 33
Torch 33
Stone Pressure Plate 31
Cobweb 22
Oak Door 20
Cobblestone 18
Cobblestone Wall 18
Chest 17
Brown Wool 15
Glowstone 13
Dandelion 13
Poppy 12
Piston 11
Fire 9
Netherrack 9
Oak Leaves 8
Double Oak Wood Slab 7
Red Wool 6
Stone Slab 5
Double Spruce Wood Slab 5
Oak Wood 4
Tripwire Hook 4
Bed 4
Furnace 3
Flower Pot 3
Cauldron 3
Wooden Pressure Plate 2
Fern Flower Pot 1
Cake Block 1
Light Gray Wool 1
Crafting Table 1
Poppy Flower Pot 1
Iron Bars 1
Enchantment Table 1
Lever 1
Melon Block 1
Lily Pad 1
View Other Materials 548
Skill level 6
Object added 11 Aug 2016
Width 51
Height 34
Depth 28
Tags restaurant, medieval, tavern, medieval restaurant, medieval tavern, tavern, medieval restaurant, medieval tavern
Block Count 8797
Object materials
Spruce Wood Plank 2555
Bricks 911
Spruce Wood 603
White Wool 483
Stone Bricks 418
Spruce Wood (facing north/south) 329
Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 272
Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 249
Oak Fence 249
Glass Pane 246
Spruce wood (facing east/west) 222
Grass 137
Stone Brick Slab 110
Bookshelf 81
Stone Brick Stairs (East) 77
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 73
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 73
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 70
Brick Slab 68
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 67
Spruce Wood Slab (Upper) 63
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Bottom half) 62
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Upside-down) 58
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Upside-down) 54
Stone Brick Stairs (West) 54
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Normal) 52
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Normal) 52
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Bottom half) 51
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Normal) 49
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 44
Stone Brick Stairs (East, Upside-down) 44
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) 43
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 42
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 38
Oak Wood Slab (Bottom) 37
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 34
Oak Wood Plank 33
Stone Pressure Plate (Unactive) 31
Oak Wood Slab (Upper) 30
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Top Half) 25
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 25
Stone Brick Stairs (West, Upside-down) 25
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Top Half) 25
Cobweb 22
Grass 18
Cobblestone 18
Cobblestone Wall 18
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 16
Brick Stairs (East, Upside-down) 15
Oak Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 15
Brown Wool 15
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Bottom half) 15
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 14
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Bottom half) 14
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 14
Glowstone 13
Dandelion 13
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 13
Poppy 12
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Upside-down) 11
Brick Stairs (South, Upside-down) 10
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Upside-down) 10
Brick Stairs (North, Upside-down) 10
Fire (Age 15) 9
Piston (Facing up, Not Extended) 9
Oak Fence Gate (Facing West, Opened) 9
Netherrack 9
Oak Door (Hinge Left, Unpowered, Upper 9
Torch (Facing West) 9
Chest (East) 8
Double Oak Wood Slab 7
Torch (Facing Up) 7
Torch (Facing North) 7
Red Wool 6
Brick Stairs (West, Upside-down) 6
Oak Fence Gate (Facing East, Closed) 6
Brick Stairs (East, Normal) 6
Brick Stairs (West, Normal) 6
Torch (Facing East) 5
Stone Slab (Upper) 5
Torch (Facing South) 5
Oak Door (Facing East, Closed, Lower) 5
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Upside-down) 5
Oak Fence Gate (Facing West, Closed) 5
Double Spruce Wood Slab 5
Oak Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) 4
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Upside-down) 4
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Top Half) 4
Oak Fence Gate (Facing East, Opened) 4
(Jungle Wood, Upper) 4
Oak Fence Gate (Facing South, Opened) 4
Oak Fence Gate (Facing North, Opened) 4
Oak Wood 4
Chest (North) 4
Stone Brick Slab (Upper) 4
Oak Leaves (No Decay) 4
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Top Half) 4
Furnace (Facing North) 3
Chest (South) 3
Flower Pot 3
Oak Fence Gate (Facing South, Closed) 3
Tripwire Hook 2
Wooden Pressure Plate (Unactive) 2
Oak Fence Gate (Facing North, Closed) 2
Cauldron (Fully Filled) 2
Oak Door (Facing South, Closed, Lower) 2
Tripwire Hook (Facing North) 2
Spruce Wood Slab (Bottom) 2
Chest (West) 2
Fern Flower Pot 1
Bed (North, Empty, Head of the bed) 1
Cauldron (Empty) 1
Cake Block 1
Oak Door (Hinge Right, Unpowered, Upper) 1
Bed (North, Empty, Foot of the bed) 1
Light Gray Wool 1
Oak Door (Facing East, Opened, Lower) 1
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Closed, Top Half) 1
Crafting Table 1
Poppy Flower Pot 1
Iron Bars 1
Piston (Facing west, Not Extended) 1
Enchantment Table 1
Bed (East, Empty, Foot of the bed) 1
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 1
Oak Door (Facing North, Closed, Lower) 1
Lever (On Block Side Facing North, Active) 1
Melon Block 1
Oak Door (Facing West, Opened, Lower) 1
Bed (East, Empty, Head of the bed) 1
Piston (Facing north, Not Extended) 1
Lily Pad 1
"Great build! I substituted white clay for the white wool wad. I was a bit disappointed that the upper floors were not open for use, so I adapted them into more guest rooms and lounge areas. Very nice addition to my growing city. THANKS GRABCRAFT! On to the next build." -  Jonathan in Nashvill
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2016-11-26 17:53:22 Jonathan in Nashvill

Great build! I substituted white clay for the white wool wad. I was a bit disappointed that the upper floors were not open for use, so I adapted them into more guest rooms and lounge areas. Very nice addition to my growing city. THANKS GRABCRAFT! On to the next build.