Moderate Tavern

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Mattimator
Block count: 2675
Views: 1939

Wow ... this tavern here is amazing! Look at those colors - red, green, brown and the roof is grey. This moderate tavern here is so different from other taverns, just look at that open design and it is pretty roomy too so I bet it fits many people. Can You imagine having a girls/guys night out in this place? I bet it would be awesome. So anyway, if You like this roomy and colorful moderate tavern then just check out the blueprints below and start building it.
View Blueprints

Blocks you'll need:

Oak Wood Plank 765
Cobblestone Stairs 534
Oak Wood 262
Green Wool 211
Cobblestone 203
Red Wool 155
Oak Fence 122
Wall Sign 67
Torch 65
Wooden Slab 49
Wooden Trapdoor 40
Glass Pane 34
Oak Wood Stairs 28
Wall 21
Grass 21
Stone Slab 16
Black Wool 12
Poppy 11
Dandelion 10
Blue Wool 9
Glass 8
Double Wooden Slab 4
Glowstone 4
Piston 4
Chest 4
Water 4
White Wool 3
Lever 2
Still Water 2
Bookshelf 2
Iron Block 2
Crafting Table 1
View Other Materials 140
Skill level 2
Object added 16 May 2016
Width 31
Height 12
Depth 40
Tags medium, tavern, inn, restaurant
Block Count 2675
Object materials
Oak Wood Plank 765
Oak Wood 262
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Normal) 216
Green Wool 211
Cobblestone 203
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Normal) 168
Red Wool 155
Oak Fence 122
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) 111
Wooden Slab 49
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Normal) 39
Glass Pane 34
Torch (Facing Up) 30
Wall Sign, north 27
Wall-mounted Sign Block west-northwest 21
Grass 21
Wall Sign, south 20
Wall Sign, west 20
Stone Slab 16
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Bottom half) 16
Torch (Facing North) 12
Black Wool 12
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Bottom half) 12
Poppy 11
Torch (Facing South) 10
Dandelion 10
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 10
Blue Wool 9
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 9
Glass 8
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Bottom half) 8
Torch (Facing East) 7
Oak Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 6
Torch (Facing West) 6
Double Wooden Slab 4
Glowstone 4
Piston (Facing down, Not Extended) 4
Chest (South) 4
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 3
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Bottom half) 3
White Wool 3
Lever (On Block Top Points East When Off, Not Active) 2
Still Water 2
Bookshelf 2
Iron Block 2
Water (Water level Max - 1, Falling) 2
Water (Water level Max) 2
Crafting Table 1
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Closed, Bottom half) 1
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
"Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build" -  Beagle
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Level 7
40 Blocks
31 Blocks

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2020-12-22 01:36:27 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:27 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:26 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:26 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:26 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:26 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:26 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:26 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:26 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:26 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:14 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:14 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:14 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:14 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:11 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build

2020-12-22 01:36:10 Beagle

Awful design. Color scheme on the blueprints was extremely confusing. Multiple blocks were represented by the same color. Half of the building has no roof. There are blocks missing everywhere. Overall terrible build