Notch Apple

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TSMC
Block count: 116
Views: 4869

This is a notch apple everybody! It has pretty purple edges, its middle part is golden and brown and the combination of them makes it shine - an awesome apple, right? And it's very easy to build! If You are an apple person like me, then why not to build this notch apple statue, maybe You could even collect all of the Minecraft apples and who knows, maybe while You are building this apple, it gives You some strenght.
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Blocks you'll need:

Gold Block 42
Purple Wool 33
Yellow Stained Clay 30
White Wool 6
Black Stained Clay 5
Skill level 1
Object added 12 Sep 2015
Width 12
Height 15
Depth 1
Tags minecraft item, item, apple, notch apple, minecraft item, notch apple, pixel art
Block Count 116
Object materials
Gold Block 42
Purple Wool 33
Yellow Stained Clay 30
White Wool 6
Black Stained Clay 5
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Level 7
1 Blocks
12 Blocks

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