Packed Ice Tree 9

Object Details

3D Model



Author: hogbits
Block count: 109
Views: 405

Ice tree, now that would look amazing with the huge reindeer statues! I am already getting the hang of that decorating stuff, aren't I? It is even kind of fun, I mean the whole decorating and seeing Your own building come alive - amazing. So this tree here is really cute, the size of it is pretty good too and the colors ... the colors are absolutely perfect! Who doesn't like ice blue color, right? It is just so relaxing and cute, perfect for winter days :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Packed Ice 100
Snow Block 9
Skill level 1
Object added 03 Dec 2016
Width 7
Height 10
Depth 7
Tags ice, ice tree, winter, frozen, frozen tree
Block Count 109
Object materials
Packed Ice 100
Snow Block 9
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Level 7
7 Blocks
7 Blocks

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