Penguin Statue

Object Details

3D Model



Author: SuperDemonPig
Block count: 73
Views: 9

Name an animal that is cuter than penguin ... nobody, not even the small cats because Penguins are so unique and interesting animals really. Can You imagine living in the Antarctic all of Your life? Penguins are so strong animals. But the statue we have here looks really good too, right? It is pretty big and so detailed just look at those eyes, legs and even the tail ... so adorable.
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Blocks you'll need:

Blue Stained Clay 53
White Stained Clay 12
Yellow Stained Clay 3
Black Stained Clay 2
Skill level 1
Object added 30 Oct 2017
Width 5
Height 6
Depth 5
Tags penguin, statue, bird, animal, animal statues, decoration, outdoor decoration
Block Count 73
Object materials
Blue Stained Clay 53
White Stained Clay 12
(Acacia Wood, Bottom) 3
Yellow Stained Clay 3
Black Stained Clay 2
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5 Blocks

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