Police Interceptor

Object Details

3D Model



Author: RobotChrisMinecraft
Block count: 31
Views: 531

What would a police department do without one or let's say ten of these interceptors? The city would be a mess without them, because police really needs it, right? How can they catch the bad guys without it, make people feel safe and do ther job? I love the design of it tho ... black is my favorite color, so it is perfect and it is roomy too, so it has a lot of room for everything .... weapons, people, food ...remember to eat a lot! But anyway have fun :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Cobblestone Stairs 8
Gray Stained Clay 5
Stone Slab 5
Black Stained Clay 4
Stone Button 4
Anvil 1
Quartz Stairs 1
Double Quartz Slab 1
Lever 1
Cobblestone 1
Skill level 1
Object added 09 Jul 2017
Width 5
Height 2
Depth 7
Tags police, police car, interceptor, police interceptor, emergency, vehicle
Block Count 31
Object materials
Gray Stained Clay 5
Stone Slab (Upper) 5
Black Stained Clay 4
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) 3
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Normal) 3
Stone Button (Facing South, Inactive) 2
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Normal) 2
Stone Button (Facing North, Inactive) 2
Anvil (East/West) 1
Quartz Stairs (West, Normal) 1
Double Quartz Slab 1
Lever (On Block Side Facing West, Not Active) 1
Cobblestone (Upper) 1
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Level 7
7 Blocks
5 Blocks

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