Red Angry Bird

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TSMC
Block count: 374
Views: 3514

Now this here is Red - the one and only leader of Angry Birds. This statue has that certain something that makes him look like the real Red - his yellow beak, eyes that can see everywhere and his unibrow. This Angry Bird is a must have in Your collection, he is like the mom who organizes and protects the eggs. Maybe this bird here can protect Your statue collection? But if I were You, I wouldn't put anything green near this statue, because Red hates green.
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Blocks you'll need:

Red Wool 171
Black Wool 127
White Wool 60
Yellow Wool 16
Skill level 1
Object added 03 Oct 2015
Width 25
Height 23
Depth 1
Tags statue, bird, video game character, angry birds, statue, video game character, angry birds, pixel art
Block Count 374
Object materials
Red Wool 171
Black Wool 127
White Wool 60
Yellow Wool 16
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25 Blocks

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