Savanna Baobab Tree 3

Object Details

3D Model



Author: ImperiumMC
Block count: 75
Views: 569

When I was smaller I always thought that the Baobab tree is some kind of magical tree in the middle of the dark and far away forests - I miss being a kid. But this tree here is rather small, compared to other Baobab trees but it can grow, right? I kind of like the shape of it tho, really unique and interesting plus the trunk is really wide and it goes all the way up there. But anyway if Your Savanna needs another tree then here You are :) Just build it and have fun!
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Blocks you'll need:

Oak Leaves 54
Oak Wood 21
Skill level 1
Object added 14 Nov 2016
Width 8
Height 7
Depth 8
Tags savannah, savannah tree, baobab, nature, natural looking tree, natural, outdoors
Block Count 75
Object materials
Oak Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) 54
Oak Wood (only bark) 21
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Level 7
8 Blocks
8 Blocks

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