Sea Coral 5

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Madl
Block count: 315
Views: 555

Sea corals are so simple to build really but they make a big difference. And this coral here is looking so unique too, doesn't it remind You of something or somebody? Well either way it looks so cool and the colors are pretty fancy too. I am sure underwater it would look even better. But of course, You can do so many things with corals, one better than the other. So if You need it then blueprints are below and have fun :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Andesite 135
Stone 124
Red Stained Clay 42
Pink Stained Clay 14
Skill level 1
Object added 08 Oct 2017
Width 16
Height 8
Depth 9
Tags coral, sea coral, ocean, sea, decoration
Block Count 315
Object materials
Andesite 135
Stone 124
Red Stained Clay 42
Pink Stained Clay 14
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Level 7
9 Blocks
16 Blocks

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