Semi-Automated Furnace

Object Details

3D Model



Author: MrCrayfish
Block count: 73
Views: 4095

Now this machine here looks like a mini railway that gives You stuff. But actually You need to give this machine an ore and a coal and it makes You an ingot - pretty useful right? And I really like the design of this furnace - it looks pretty cool but it also looks really hard to build. But to be honest it is easy, it is really easy - just dig up and place some rails here and there and You're pretty much done. So if You like this furnace then check out the blueprints and start building! :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Dirt 22
Oak Wood 9
Oak Wood Plank 8
Grass 8
Hopper 5
Rail 5
Powered Rail 4
Oak Wood Stairs 3
Chest 2
Redstone Torch 2
Redstone Comparator 1
Furnace 1
Redstone Repeater Block 1
Trapped Chest 1
Redstone Wire 1
Skill level 1
Object added 05 Nov 2015
Width 5
Height 6
Depth 5
Tags furnace, redstone, working mechanism, machine, semi-automated furnace, working mechanism, semi-automated furnace
Block Count 73
Object materials
Dirt 22
Oak Wood Plank 8
Grass 8
Oak Wood 6
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 3
Oak Wood (facing east/west) 3
Chest (North) 2
Hopper (Output Facing East, Disabled) 2
Rail (sloped, ascending to north) 2
Hopper (Output Facing Down, Disabled) 1
Redstone Comparator (Facing West, Unset, Unpowered ) 1
Powered Rail (Sloped, Ascending to the West, Active) 1
Rail (curved; north and east) 1
Hopper (Output Facing South, Disabled) 1
Furnace (Facing South) 1
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing East, Delay of 1 tick) 1
Trapped Chest (Facing North) 1
Hopper (Output Facing North, Disabled) 1
Powered Rail (Sloped, Ascending to the North, Not Active) 1
Powered Rail (Flat North-South, Active) 1
Redstone Wire (Power:0) 1
Powered Rail (Sloped, Ascending to the North, Active) 1
Rail (sloped, ascending to south) 1
Rail (curved; north and west) 1
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing Up) 1
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing South) 1
"I'm just wondering why one of the chests is a trapped chest, and not the others! It could be for a perfectly good reason, and I just don't know what that reason is! Pretty sure it may work fine without that one chest being able to send out a signal!" -  Ali Cat
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2021-04-21 20:23:20 Ali Cat

I'm just wondering why one of the chests is a trapped chest, and not the others! It could be for a perfectly good reason, and I just don't know what that reason is! Pretty sure it may work fine without that one chest being able to send out a signal!