Small Guardian Statue

Object Details

3D Model



Author: SuperDemonPig
Block count: 38
Views: 3

A small guardian statue ... isn't it weird to see it in the dry land? Guardians usually live in the water because well, Guardian is a fish and a little bit scary one. The spikes and bright colors usually in the nature say don't touch me I am poisonous but what about the statue here? Well, You can touch it as much as You like, admire the beautiful colors and that unique body and who knows, maybe it will even protect Your town.
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Blocks you'll need:

Prismarine Bricks 28
Orange Stained Clay 7
White Stained Clay 2
Red Stained Clay 1
Skill level 1
Object added 23 Oct 2017
Width 5
Height 3
Depth 6
Tags guardian, statue, creature, minecraft creature
Block Count 38
Object materials
Prismarine Bricks 28
Orange Stained Clay 7
White Stained Clay 2
Red Stained Clay 1
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Level 7
6 Blocks
5 Blocks

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