Small Transmission Tower 2

Object Details

3D Model



Author: sassy1356
Block count: 68
Views: 1277

Have You ever been directly under transmission towers? Now that is a feeling You can not forget that easily because it is a little bit creepy and weird. I think I don't want to go there ever again but it was fun. Now this tower here is a small one, so if You need electricity or something for a smaller village or a town then this transmission tower here is pretty perfect for that or what do You think? Plus it is simple to build and it is strong too so perfect, right?
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Blocks you'll need:

Oak Fence 59
Nether Brick Fence 5
Cobblestone Wall 4
Skill level 1
Object added 03 May 2017
Width 11
Height 18
Depth 1
Tags transmission tower, electricity, electricital grid, high voltage
Block Count 68
Object materials
Oak Fence 59
Nether Brick Fence 5
Cobblestone Wall 4
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Level 7
1 Blocks
11 Blocks

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