Steampunk Factory

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Mr-5ander
Block count: 9369
Views: 10288

I knew steampunk factorys are big but this one here is absolutely huge. It is so detailed too, like that massive wheel on the side of the factory ... I wonder what is it used for? Anyway, since it is made with red bricks then I bet it is seriously strong and has a long life ahead. When You go inside then it does look a little bit creepy but nothing too scary that few torches couldn't help. So if You have an idea of owning a factory then here is Your change :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Stone 4076
Dirt 1392
Bricks 968
Grass 467
Iron Block 396
Cobblestone Slab 267
Stone Bricks 253
Oak Wood Stairs 214
Cobweb 197
Cobblestone 184
Oak Wood Plank 165
Double Stone Slab 147
Snow Block 118
Stone Slab 116
Stone Button 109
Stone Brick Stairs 75
Glass Pane 66
Wooden Slab 55
Oak Fence 44
Brick Stairs 25
Oak Fence Gate 10
Oak Door 4
Double Cobblestone Slab 3
Wooden Trapdoor 1
Stone Brick Slab 1
View Other Materials 225
Skill level 7
Object added 14 Jan 2017
Width 47
Height 41
Depth 23
Tags steampunk, factory, steampunk factory, unfurnished, waterwheel
Block Count 9369
Object materials
Stone 4076
Dirt 1392
Bricks 966
Grass 467
Iron Block 396
Cobblestone Slab 267
Stone Bricks 253
Cobweb 197
Cobblestone 170
Oak Wood Plank 165
Double Stone Slab 147
Snow Block 118
Glass Pane 66
Stone Slab 65
Wooden Slab 55
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 54
Oak Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 54
Stone Button (Facing North, Inactive) 53
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 53
Oak Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 53
Stone Slab (Upper) 51
Stone Button (Facing South, Inactive) 44
Oak Fence 44
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 31
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 28
(Stone) Wooden Slab (Upper) 16
Cobblestone (Upper) 14
Stone Brick Stairs (East) 11
Stone Button (Facing West, Inactive) 8
Brick Stairs (South, Upside-down) 8
Oak Fence Gate (Facing South, Closed) 7
Stone Brick Stairs (West) 5
Brick Stairs (West, Normal) 5
Stone Button (Facing East, Inactive) 4
Brick Stairs (East, Normal) 3
Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 3
Double Cobblestone Slab 3
Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 3
Bricks (Upper) 2
Oak Door (Facing South, Closed, Lower) 2
Brick Stairs (West, Upside-down) 1
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Bottom half) 1
Oak Door (Hinge Left, Unpowered, Upper 1
Oak Fence Gate (Facing West, Closed) 1
Stone Brick Slab 1
Oak Door (Hinge Right, Unpowered, Upper) 1
Oak Fence Gate (Facing East, Closed) 1
Oak Fence Gate (Facing North, Closed) 1
Brick Stairs (North, Upside-down) 1
Brick Stairs (East, Upside-down) 1
"Tutorial?" -  Zack
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47 Blocks

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2018-08-21 05:27:25 Zack
