Stone Arch Bridge 2

Object Details

3D Model



Author: daaw
Block count: 603
Views: 4910

This bridge here is interesting. Doesn't it remind You of a medieval age bridges? The grey stones and the design. It isn't very detailed but it sure leaves a clean and beautiful feeling. Plus the stairs are really cool, the way they go smaller on the way up and then again wider as You walk down. It is a real simple yet elegant bridge, don't You think so? Anyway if it would look good in Your town then build it and it is pretty much Yours. Take care :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Double Stone Brick Slab 428
Stone Brick Slab 171
Grass 4
Skill level 1
Object added 19 Nov 2016
Width 44
Height 9
Depth 8
Tags bridge, arch bridge, old bridge, stone bridge
Block Count 603
Object materials
Double Stone Brick Slab 428
Stone Brick Slab 171
Grass 4
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8 Blocks
44 Blocks

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