Tall Baobab Tree 3

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Eremilion
Block count: 2067
Views: 1094

Do You have a Savannah in Your Minecraft? Because if You do then this Baobab tree would look extra good in there and I bet it would love it there too - little water, hot sun, sand and tourists, perfect. Anyway, what do You think of it? It is really tall, isn't it? I love how fancy this tree looks actually, like a tall model enjoying the sun. So if You feel like this baobab tree would look good in Your Minecraft then why not build it. Have fun :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Oak Wood 1316
Acacia Leaves 606
Oak Fence 145
Skill level 2
Object added 13 Jan 2017
Width 30
Height 53
Depth 30
Tags exotic tree, baobab, tall tree, outdoor, outdoor decoration
Block Count 2067
Object materials
Oak Wood (only bark) 1316
Acacia Leaves (No Decay) 379
Acacia Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) 227
Oak Fence 145
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Level 7
30 Blocks
30 Blocks

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