Tatooine Building

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Derentis
Block count: 7871
Views: 1675

Well I am not exactly sure what is the purpose of this building but it sure looks cool! I can already imagine tourists and local people taking pictures of it because well ... it is really unique and living or working in it would be even more perfect, what do You think? When You take a look inside, is there anything You like? There is so much room and it looks really symmetrical and clean, so it would be perfect for the Tatooine village :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Sandstone 4158
Sand 1447
Stone Bricks 952
Cobblestone 676
Stone 180
Glowstone 131
Stone Brick Slab 112
Stone Brick Stairs 69
Redstone Wire 42
Oak Wood Plank 25
Wooden Slab 25
Sandstone Slab 16
Torch 14
Brown Wool 6
Piston Head 6
Sticky Piston 6
Stone Pressure Plate 4
Redstone Torch 2
View Other Materials 146
Skill level 6
Object added 17 May 2017
Width 26
Height 44
Depth 26
Tags tatooine, star wars, sandstone, sandstone building, unfurnished
Block Count 7871
Object materials
Sandstone 4158
Sand 1447
Stone Bricks 952
Cobblestone 676
Stone 180
Glowstone 131
Stone Brick Slab 112
Redstone Wire (Power:0) 32
Oak Wood Plank 25
Wooden Slab 25
Stone Brick Stairs (West) 18
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 18
Stone Brick Stairs (East) 17
Sandstone Slab 16
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 16
Brown Wool 6
Torch (Facing East) 4
Stone Pressure Plate (Unactive) 4
Redstone Wire (Power:15) 4
Redstone Wire (Power:14) 4
Torch (Facing West) 4
Piston Head (Facing west, Extended) 3
Piston Head (Facing east, Extended) 3
Torch (Facing Up) 3
Sticky Piston (Facing west, Extended) 3
Sticky Piston (Facing east, Extended) 3
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing Up) 2
Redstone Wire (Power:13) 2
Torch (Facing North) 2
Torch (Facing South) 1
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26 Blocks
26 Blocks

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