Viking Church

Object Details

3D Model



Author: BigBadBam
Block count: 4111
Views: 14489

Get ready to go to church in viking style! You're facing a genuine viking church right now and guess what- it's going to be Your next super awesome project! I will promise You a lot of fun, excitement and surprises while minecrafting this amazing model. You just can't go wrong with buildings in viking style.
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Blocks you'll need:

Oak Wood 1286
Hay Bale 570
Spruce Wood Plank 512
Oak Wood Plank 268
Spruce Wood Stairs 256
Oak Fence 208
Grass 170
Cobblestone Wall 127
Cobblestone 126
Birch Wood Plank 113
Cobblestone Stairs 87
White Stained Glass Pane 68
Red Wool 65
Chiseled Stone Bricks 55
Dirt 52
Torch 37
Double Stone Slab 16
Oak Wood Slab 9
Flower Pot 8
Lava 5
Stone Slab 4
Ender Chest 2
Oak Door 2
Redstone Torch 1
View Other Materials 47
Skill level 3
Object added 10 Jan 2016
Width 19
Height 28
Depth 31
Tags church, building, viking church, viking, building, viking church
Block Count 4111
Object materials
Oak Wood 567
Spruce Wood Plank 512
Oak Wood (facing east/west) 445
Oak Wood (facing north/south) 274
Oak Wood Plank 268
Hay Bale (Axis Y) 261
Oak Fence 208
Hay Bale (Axis Z) 197
Grass 170
Cobblestone Wall 127
Cobblestone 126
Birch Wood Plank 113
Hay Bale (Axis X) 112
White Stained Glass Pane 68
Red Wool 65
Chiseled Stone Bricks 55
Dirt 52
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 49
Spruce Wood Slab (Upper) 46
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 40
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 40
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 32
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 25
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 25
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 24
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 21
Double Stone Slab 16
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Upside-down) 16
Torch (Facing Up) 16
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) 13
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Normal) 13
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Upside-down) 11
Oak Wood Slab (Upper) 11
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Upside-down) 11
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Upside-down) 10
Oak Wood Slab (Bottom) 9
Flower Pot 8
Torch (Facing North) 8
Spruce Wood Slab (Bottom) 7
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Normal) 7
Torch (Facing South) 7
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Normal) 6
Torch (Facing West) 4
Stone Slab (Upper) 4
Lava (Lava Source Block, Still Lava) 3
Ender Chest (Facing South) 2
Torch (Facing East) 2
Lava (Height Level 2, Still Lava) 2
Oak Door (Facing West, Closed, Lower) 1
Oak Door (Hinge Left, Unpowered, Upper 1
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing Up) 1
"Does not make sense this building, the blueprint is wrong in size " -  jan
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Level 7
31 Blocks
19 Blocks

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2020-07-21 21:42:20 jan

Does not make sense this building, the blueprint is wrong in size