Wooden Mansion 1

Object Details

3D Model



Author: RealFreemanTV
Block count: 4048
Views: 17626

Hey there, You little fan of colossal buildings! I hope You understand what You got Yourself into, because I'm about to present You one of my favourite wooden mansions. This wooden mansion is a luxurious house which looks huge and modern at the same time. It has everything You need- 2 floors, nice and big living room, cosy bedroom and a wide balcony where You can just relax and admire what You've achieved in Minecraft so far. Sounds great? Oh, it gets even better! You can fill it up with all Your favourite Minecraft stuff and start living there immediately. And if You get tired of this luxurious life, You can take a walk in Your backyard and just enjoy the nature.
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Blocks you'll need:

Grass 1414
Dirt 925
Oak Wood Plank 920
Spruce Wood Stairs 282
Stone Brick Monster Egg 158
Oak Fence 123
Gravel 43
Oak Wood Stairs 35
Dandelion 22
Brown Stained Glass Pane 22
Oxeye Daisy 18
Poppy 16
Azure Bluet 12
Torch 8
Oak Door 8
Flower 6
Spruce Wood Plank 3
Spruce Foor 2
Spruce Door 2
Stone Bricks 1
View Other Materials 148
Skill level 3
Object added 22 Sep 2015
Width 41
Height 14
Depth 30
Tags building, wooden, wooden house, realfreemantv, mansion, wooden house
Block Count 4048
Object materials
Grass 959
Dirt 925
Oak Wood Plank 920
Grass 455
Stone Brick Monster Egg 158
Oak Fence 123
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 116
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 85
Gravel 43
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 29
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 28
Spruce Wood Slab (Bottom) 28
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 22
Dandelion 22
Brown Stained Glass Pane 22
Oxeye Daisy 18
Poppy 16
Azure Bluet 12
Torch (Facing Up) 8
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 8
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 8
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 6
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 4
Oak Door (Facing East, Closed, Lower) 4
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 4
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 3
Flower (Double Tallgrass, Upper) 3
Spruce Wood Plank 3
Flower (Double Tallgrass, Lower) 3
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing North, Closed) 2
Oak Door (Hinge Left, Unpowered, Upper 2
Oak Door (Hinge Right, Unpowered, Upper) 2
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 2
Spruce Door (Upper, Hinge right, Unpowered) 1
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 1
Spruce Door (Upper, Hinge left, Unpowered) 1
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 1
Stone Bricks 1
"Hate the Landscaping.. Give me house plans ONLY.. That goes for ALL buildings.. Don't care about the landscape just the buildings!!" -  Mark
"olá pessoal, hj e meo primero dia de joga minecraft,eo so muito legal eo so brincalhona eo gosto de fazer amis etc..." -  mariana
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Level 7
30 Blocks
41 Blocks

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2018-03-07 23:51:31 Mark

Hate the Landscaping.. Give me house plans ONLY.. That goes for ALL buildings.. Don't care about the landscape just the buildings!!

2015-10-15 21:05:22 mariana

olá pessoal, hj e meo primero dia de joga minecraft,eo so muito legal eo so brincalhona eo gosto de fazer amis etc...