3 Lane Highway with Exit Lane

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3D Model



Author: daaw
Block count: 2853
Views: 3214

I have seen a lot of roads lately and I have to say that they all have been completely different. This here is a highway exit lane and a pretty simple one actually, so it doesn't take a long time to build it. Perfect if You are in the middle of building a lot of highways and You need to finsih it quick! So what do You think of this exit lane? Are the lanes wide enough and the white stripes perfectly straight? If they are and this is the lane You need to have then just build it!
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Blocks you'll need:

Gray Wool 1578
White Wool 495
Grass 390
Cobblestone Wall 318
Oak Leaves 72
Skill level 2
Object added 19 Nov 2016
Width 37
Height 2
Depth 72
Tags highway, autobahn, road, modern road, asphalt, street
Block Count 2853
Object materials
Gray Wool 1578
White Wool 495
Grass 390
Cobblestone Wall 318
Oak Leaves (No Decay) 72
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72 Blocks
37 Blocks

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