Ancient Egyptian Sphinx 3

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Trydar
Block count: 4899
Views: 18109

Woah, now this is a little bit scary Sphinx we have got here. Why? I will tell You why, because of the eyes! They are like staring right into your soul picking up pieces even You have forgotten. But of course Sphinx is a beautiful reminder for us of an Ancient Egypt so if You love the Ancient times then the Sphinx here is a perfect match for You and Your village, or maybe You are a collector? That would be really interesting actually. But anyway, if You have some free time then have a snack and start building the Sphinx! Good luck :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Granite 2277
Bedrock 2242
Diorite 235
Obsidian 141
Redstone Torch 4
Skill level 4
Object added 28 Mar 2018
Width 15
Height 20
Depth 39
Tags ancient, ancient statue, egyptian, egyptian statue, sphinx
Block Count 4899
Object materials
Granite 2277
Bedrock 2242
Diorite 235
Obsidian 141
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing Up) 4
"I like the look of the build, though I don't know why bedrock was used since there are people - like me - that want to make these builds in survival. Wasn't sure what to sub in for that but eventually settled on andesite. Why not, right?" -  KanaydianDragon
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39 Blocks
15 Blocks

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2020-03-09 22:58:51 KanaydianDragon

I like the look of the build, though I don't know why bedrock was used since there are people - like me - that want to make these builds in survival. Wasn't sure what to sub in for that but eventually settled on andesite. Why not, right?