Ancient Egyptian Statue 2

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Trydar
Block count: 319
Views: 3995

Oh how I wish I could go to Ancient Egypt - to see the people, how they are building those famous statues and maybe even help them? Well this is all in the past but what we have here right now is a tall statue. I wonder what god is it? But hey, it is looking good and a little bit of scary as well because it is so tall, especially for a dwarf like me. But if You fancy Egyptian statues then You have found one, my friend :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Granite 120
Bedrock 110
Diorite 82
Obsidian 6
Redstone Torch 1
Skill level 1
Object added 14 Mar 2018
Width 5
Height 21
Depth 6
Tags egyptian, egyptian statue, ancient, ancient statue
Block Count 319
Object materials
Granite 120
Bedrock 110
Diorite 82
Obsidian 6
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing South) 1
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Level 7
6 Blocks
5 Blocks

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