Diamond Axe

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TSMC
Block count: 60
Views: 5807

Ofcourse a diamond axe - how could You build a statue of a pickaxe but not an axe. And You need the best tools, because You are the best Minecrafter. That's why You are creating a world in Minecraft where You build all the things You find even a little relative to Minecraft. I wonder if that kind of a world exists? I would feel like a super-Minecrafter if I had that... Anyway, stop reading and start building!
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Blocks you'll need:

Diamond Block 19
Cyan Wool 14
Spruce Wood Plank 9
Black Stained Clay 9
Oak Wood Plank 9
Skill level 1
Object added 04 Sep 2015
Width 12
Height 14
Depth 1
Tags minecraft item, minecraft tool, item, diamond, diamond tool, diamond axe, axe, minecraft item, minecraft tool, diamond tool, diamond axe, axe, pixel art
Block Count 60
Object materials
Diamond Block 19
Cyan Wool 14
Spruce Wood Plank 9
Black Stained Clay 9
Oak Wood Plank 9
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Level 7
1 Blocks
12 Blocks

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