F-4 Phantom 2

Object Details

3D Model



Author: CraftyFoxe
Block count: 136
Views: 1182

Well this jet here has it all - all weather, long-range supersonic jet aircraft and fighter-bomber. If Your military can own only one type of jet then I believe this here might be a pretty good idea, what do You think? I mean a bomber and a fighter? That sounds pretty good. Plus this Phontom here is pretty simple to build, it isn't very detailed or big - perfect for military trainings or to own it in Your collection. So just have fun :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Clay 59
Stone Slab 48
Light Gray Wool 10
Black Wool 5
Stone Button 4
Black Stained Glass 3
Iron Bars 3
Cyan Stained Clay 2
Torch 2
Skill level 1
Object added 28 May 2017
Width 13
Height 4
Depth 20
Tags f-4, phantom, fighter jet, military jet, military, military plane
Block Count 136
Object materials
Clay 59
Stone Slab 40
Light Gray Wool 10
Stone Slab (Upper) 8
Black Wool 5
Black Stained Glass 3
Iron Bars 3
Stone Button (Facing East, Inactive) 2
Cyan Stained Clay 2
Stone Button (Facing West, Inactive) 2
Torch (Facing North) 2
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Level 7
20 Blocks
13 Blocks

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