Huge Sightseeing Apartment Building 1
Object Details
3D Model
Author: Zeemo
Block count: 28957
Views: 4392
Everyone's in a hurry in big cities and therefore people need extra comfort in their lives. This apartment building can offer it. It's a huge build for smaller and bigger families and fits absolutely perfectly into a big city. As You can see, one floor offers You a peaceful environment for relaxation. Read books, drink coffee, play computer games- what ever You wish! Find the blueprints for this amazing Minecraft building and take this build home!
View Blueprints
Blocks you'll need:
Bricks | 10724 | |
4446 | ||
Quartz Block | 3667 | |
Glass Pane | 2656 | |
Quartz Slab | 2561 | |
Stone Slab | 1048 | |
Double Stone Slab | 837 | |
Glass | 800 | |
Iron Bars | 703 | |
Oak Door | 422 | |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs | 279 | |
Bookshelf | 160 | |
Gray Stained Glass | 95 | |
Torch | 79 | |
Jungle Leaves | 72 | |
Bed | 70 | |
Oak Fence | 57 | |
Double Quartz Slab | 44 | |
Stone Brick Stairs | 44 | |
Light Gray Stained Glass | 40 | |
Glowstone | 38 | |
Grass | 35 | |
Cobblestone Stairs | 26 | |
Light Blue Wool | 20 | |
Rail | 16 | |
Nether Brick Fence | 6 | |
Quartz Stairs | 4 | |
Azure Bluet | 2 | |
Dandelion | 2 | |
Oxeye Daisy | 2 | |
Poppy | 1 | |
Orange Tulip | 1 | |
View Other Materials | 814 |
Skill level | 20 |
Object added | 16 Mar 2016 |
Width | 44 |
Height | 105 |
Depth | 33 |
Tags | sightseeing, apartment building, building, high rise building, residental, downtown |
Block Count | 28957 |
Object materials | |
Bricks | 10724 |
(Jungle Wood, Upper) | 4426 |
Quartz Block | 3667 |
Glass Pane | 2656 |
Quartz Slab (Upper) | 2448 |
Double Stone Slab | 837 |
Glass | 800 |
Stone Slab (Upper) | 712 |
Iron Bars | 703 |
Stone Slab | 336 |
Bookshelf | 160 |
Oak Door (Hinge Left, Unpowered, Upper | 115 |
Quartz Slab | 113 |
Oak Door (Hinge Right, Unpowered, Upper) | 96 |
Gray Stained Glass | 95 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (West, Normal) | 92 |
Oak Door (Facing East, Closed, Lower) | 85 |
Oak Door (Facing West, Closed, Lower) | 80 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) | 73 |
Jungle Leaves (No Decay) | 70 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (South, Normal) | 63 |
Oak Fence | 57 |
Torch (Facing Up) | 55 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (East, Normal) | 51 |
Double Quartz Slab | 44 |
Oak Door (Facing South, Closed, Lower) | 42 |
Light Gray Stained Glass | 40 |
Glowstone | 38 |
Grass | 35 |
Stone Brick Stairs (East, Upside-down) | 32 |
Bed (West, Empty, Head of the bed) | 29 |
Bed (West, Empty, Foot of the bed) | 29 |
(Jungle Wood, Bottom) | 20 |
Light Blue Wool | 20 |
Torch (Facing East) | 16 |
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Upside-down) | 9 |
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Upside-down) | 9 |
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) | 8 |
Stone Brick Stairs (West, Upside-down) | 8 |
Torch (Facing West) | 7 |
Nether Brick Fence | 6 |
Rail (curved; south and west) | 4 |
Bed (East, Empty, Foot of the bed) | 4 |
Rail (curved; north and west) | 4 |
Oak Door (Facing West, Opened, Lower) | 4 |
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Upside-down) | 4 |
Bed (East, Empty, Head of the bed) | 4 |
Rail (curved; south and east) | 4 |
Rail (curved; north and east) | 4 |
Azure Bluet | 2 |
Jungle Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) | 2 |
Bed (North, Empty, Head of the bed) | 2 |
Dandelion | 2 |
Bed (North, Empty, Foot of the bed) | 2 |
Quartz Stairs (North, Upside-down) | 2 |
Oxeye Daisy | 2 |
Quartz Stairs (North, Normal) | 2 |
Poppy | 1 |
Orange Tulip | 1 |
Torch (Facing South) | 1 |
Generating model...
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Level 7
33 Blocks
44 Blocks
Drag slider < Left | Right > to see different levels:
Level 1