Jukebox Statue

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TSMC
Block count: 1240
Views: 5606

Everyone loves music! I'm sure You have Your own favourites who You could listen to all day long. Now it's time to reveal Your dearest artists and show all the other Minecrafters what You really like. Or if You don't want to build the real Jukebox - build this statue - it won't bother You with music, it'll be just reminding the real Jukebox. Perfect statue to add to Your Minecraft items collection - a huge world with huge Minecraft statues :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Jungle Wood Plank 648
Brown Wool 312
Black Wool 236
Gray Wool 28
Red Wool 16
Skill level 1
Object added 14 Sep 2015
Width 16
Height 21
Depth 18
Tags statue, minecraft item, item, technical block, jukebox, statue, minecraft item, technical block
Block Count 1240
Object materials
Jungle Wood Plank 648
Brown Wool 312
Black Wool 236
Gray Wool 28
Red Wool 16
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Level 7
18 Blocks
16 Blocks

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