Medieval Flag

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Brancaleone
Block count: 41
Views: 1458

What do You think about owning one Medieval flag? I mean hanging it on the roof of Medieval buildings like castles, schools, blacksmiths ... it would look really good, right? Like the fourth of July when every house has their flags out - beautiful! Now this Medieval flag here is pretty long one, so it would look extra good in the wind, what do You think? Anyway, if owning one or ten flags is a good idea then just build them and have fun :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Yellow Wool 17
Light Blue Wool 13
Oak Fence 11
Skill level 1
Object added 31 Mar 2017
Width 14
Height 11
Depth 4
Tags medieval, flag, medieval flag, outdoor decoration
Block Count 41
Object materials
Yellow Wool 17
Light Blue Wool 13
Oak Fence 11
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Level 7
4 Blocks
14 Blocks

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