Mini Igloo 1
Object Details
3D Model
Author: CrystallineWolf
Block count: 899
Views: 4887
All of the snow lovers! Our time has come to build us an amazing igloo. Just look at this gorgeous mini igloo here - it isn't that small, what do You think? It is actually pretty royal like - a red bed in the middle of the room, beautiful design, cold colors and of course, winter. It is a perfect way to live if You don't mind the cold but as You can see inside the igloo it is cozy and warm. Anyway, blueprints are below and have fun building it.
View Blueprints
Blocks you'll need:
Snow | 324 | |
Grass | 230 | |
Snow Block | 220 | |
Dirt | 45 | |
Oak Fence | 41 | |
Torch | 14 | |
Chest | 11 | |
Ice | 7 | |
Crafting Table | 2 | |
Bed | 2 | |
Furnace | 2 | |
Slightly Damaged Anvil | 1 | |
View Other Materials | 14 |
Skill level | 1 |
Object added | 25 Jan 2018 |
Width | 15 |
Height | 9 |
Depth | 19 |
Tags | igloo, small igloo, mini igloo, snow house |
Block Count | 899 |
Object materials | |
Snow (One Layer) | 276 |
Grass | 230 |
Snow Block | 220 |
Dirt | 45 |
Oak Fence | 41 |
Snow (Two Layers) | 22 |
Torch (Facing Up) | 14 |
Chest (North) | 9 |
Snow (Three Layers) | 9 |
Snow (Four Layers) | 8 |
Ice | 7 |
Snow (Seven Layers) | 3 |
Snow (Eight Layers) | 3 |
Crafting Table | 2 |
Snow (Six Layers) | 2 |
Bed (South, Empty, Foot of the bed) | 1 |
Chest (East) | 1 |
Furnace (Facing West) | 1 |
Bed (South, Empty, Head of the bed) | 1 |
Snow (Five Layers) | 1 |
Chest (West) | 1 |
Slightly Damaged Anvil (East/West) | 1 |
Furnace (Facing East) | 1 |
Generating model...
(left click: forward, right click: backward, Movement: W, A, S, D, R, F, Toggle mouse tracking - C)
Level 7
19 Blocks
15 Blocks
Drag slider < Left | Right > to see different levels:
Level 1