Old Oak

Object Details

3D Model



Author: MrWizz
Block count: 1281
Views: 4307

Oh the old trees, somehow they look so magical and smart. Well trees can live up to very old age, so they do see a lot - maybe the tree here has even seen some conflicts, weddings, happy children, animals ... that is why it feels so smart. If You are looking at this Oak tree, would it look good in Your village, forest or any other place? If it would then start building the tree and take care of it - it might tell You some secrets if You treat it well.
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Blocks you'll need:

Dark Oak Leaves 616
Vines 296
Birch Leaves 243
Oak Wood 126
Skill level 1
Object added 19 Jan 2018
Width 18
Height 21
Depth 19
Tags oak tree, old oak, old oak tree, outdoors
Block Count 1281
Object materials
Dark Oak Leaves 616
Birch Leaves 243
Oak Wood (only bark) 126
Vines (South) 84
Vines (West) 78
Vines (East) 62
Vines (North) 60
Vines (South & East) 4
Vines (multiple sides) 3
Vines (multiple sides 1) 2
Vines (North&West) 2
Vines (multiple sides 2) 1
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Level 7
19 Blocks
18 Blocks

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